When Smoggy Conditions Prevail What Can You Do?

Posted on: 17 December 2014

Smog is a frequent problem of regions where population is dense, automotive traffic is high, and geographic conditions create conditions where smog develops. These factors, plus weather related situations, could make smog a serious health risk to residents. When smog levels intensify, or are a regular situation, what can you do to help reduce the health risks?

What Creates Smog

Smog is a common problem addressed by residents in large metropolitan areas and is also referred to as photochemical Smog.  Many parts of the country that frequently experience the worst levels of smoggy conditions have a topography that has a basin type situation where the majority of the infrastructure of the city is in a low-lying area.

This single geographical characteristic is one that enhances the conditions for smog to develop, plus creates a situation where the adverse conditions are difficult to change because of the lack of moving air during periods in the day. Add a huge volume of industrial pollutants, plus high volume automobile traffic, and these metropolises are prime for the development of unhealthy smog levels. So what can you do if you live in a place that is highly susceptible to intense smog?

Alternatives and Options

There are a few things that you can do to help adjust to a frequent high level of smog in the area you live. People with severe breathing issues should first of all strongly consider relocating. If you have not experienced any serious health problems due to smog levels, it is wise to take precautions to avoid increasing your risk.

Smog intensity is always higher on days where the humidity percentages are elevated. Pay close attention to the weather predictions for your area. Plan outdoor activities based on these projections as far as a week in advance. Avoid days where the breathing conditions due to high smog are suspect.

When you have no choice but to be outdoors during smoggy days, or periods during the day when levels are intensified, you can take some precautions. In parts of the world where smog levels are even more impacting than they are here in the United States, innovations are being developed to help people deal with the harmful effects of being outside on days when the pollutant levels are high. Finding a unique way to handle the smog is one way to avoid moving if that is not an option, plus try to prevent the unhealthy and uncomfortable effects from causing you discomfort.

Be attentive to the smog test levels, from companies like West Coast Smog, for your area, and keep a basic chart of when levels seem to be higher than normal. Follow the weather patterns in your region and adjust your outdoor activities accordingly. Finally, take as many precautions as you can to reduce the harmful effects of intense fog on your respiratory system. If all other measures seem like they are not working, you may have no choice but to move. 
